Play It Safe
Step into the boots of a firefighter and discover a whole new way to Play It Safe. Put on authentic gear, slide down the pole, drive the truck, and put out the “fire.”
Play It Safe was developed in partnership with the Chicago Fire Department with generous funding from The Allstate Foundation.
How Adults Can Support Playful Learning in Play It Safe
If you have a shy child, join them in their role playing. Take more of a lead role.
Talk about the smoke-filled room together. Model the safe way to exit the smoke-filled room (get down on your hands and knees, keep your head up, and crawl outside).
Assist the child in sliding down the fire pole.
Note that some children will want to stay at the firetruck for a long time! Support their desire to stay. Remember that this means they are still learning and gaining something from the experience
Discover more opportunities for growth in development and how to support children’s learning through play at Chicago Children’s Museum. Explore the Supporting Learning Through Play Guide here!